Bioenergetics and growth of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) in relation to body weight and temperature

Changes in growth and proximate body composition of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) were examined for fish of 8–150 g, between 18 and 30C. For most weights, growth of fish (grams/day) was highest at 25C, and lowest in fish at 18C. This was attributable in part to a higher satiation (maximum) feeding level at 25C. For a fixed level of feeding, growth rate (percentage wet weight/day) was highest for fish held at 18C.Lipid content (percentage wet weight) increased with feeding level and was highest at 18C, Moisture content varied inversely with lipid. Protein and ash content did not vary appreciably with temperature, body weight, or feeding level.Maintenance requirement of bass, expressed as grams/day, was about twice that lost during food deprivation, but only slightly different when expressed as kilocalories/day.Energy requirements for nonfecal losses were estimated as 10% of intake energy at all feeding levels. Standard metabolism accounted for 50% of intake energy near maintenance, but only 10% at the satiation feeding level. Growth requirements increased From zero at maintenance to 40% of intake energy at satiation feeding.