Investigatkion of the Levels inNa23below 3 MeV by theMg26(p,αγ)Na23Reaction

The particle-gamma angular correlation method of Litherland and Ferguson was used to gain information on the decay modes and spin assignments of the levels in Na23 below 3 MeV as well as the mixing ratios of the transitions from these levels. The Mg26(p,α)Na23 reaction was used at proton energies between 9.3 and 10.5 MeV. The spin of the first excited state was verified as 52. Rigorous limitations are given for the spins of the other five levels, the most probable assignment being 2.08 MeV (72(+)), 2.39(½(+), 2.64(½), 2.71 (92), 2.98 (32). The results are discussed in terms of the Nilsson model for the N or Z=11 nuclei. In particular the phases of the mixing ratios of the transitions from the first two excited states of these nuclei are compared. The problem of the comparison of the signs of the experimentally determined mixing ratios quoted by different authors is also treated.