δ-Hydrogen abstraction from alkyl and phosphine ligands co-ordinated to platinum(II); formation of benzoplatinacyclopentene complexes

Reactions of [Pt(cod)Cl2](cod = cyclo-octa-1,5-diene) with Mg(CH2C6H4Me-o)Br and tertiary phosphines (PR3) afford cis-[Pt(CH2C6H4Me)2(PR3)2](R = Et or Ph), which on refluxing in xylene give the benzoplatinacyclopentene complexes [[graphic omitted]H2)(PR3)2]viaδ-hydrogen abstraction reactions. Using PPh2(C6H4Me-o), metallation of the phosphine is preferred and the first obtained product after refluxing in xylene is [[graphic omitted]Ph2)(CH2C6H4Me){PPh2(C6H4Me-o)}]. On further refluxing in xylene, this compound again eliminates o-xylene to give the known [[graphic omitted]Ph2)2]. Using P(C6H4Me-o)3, the bulkiness of the phosphine makes alkylation unfavourable and the fluxional [[graphic omitted](C6H4Me-o)2}{P(C6H4Me-o)3}Br] is obtained. The variable-temperature n.m.r. spectra of this compound are interpreted in terms of hindered rotation around the Pt–P and P–C bonds giving rise to two different conformers at low temperature, each with all methyl groups non-equivalent. The compounds have been identified by their spectroscopic properties and some of their reaction chemistry is discussed.