Radiolabeled UDPGlc incubated with rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER)-derived microsomes from rat liver became associated with the vesicles. This microsomal uptake of nucleotide sugar was time and temperature dependent. Analysis of the molecular species containing radiolabel revealed that initial uptake represented entry of predominantly intact UDPGlc in the microsomes. Conclusive evidence for proper translocation of UDPGlc across the microsomal membrane into the intravesicular space was obtained by demonstrating that UDPGlc was transported into an osmotically sensitive compartment. Microsomal uptake of UDPGlc exhibited features characteristic of carrier-mediated transport including saturation, specificity, and countertransport. Inhibition and trans-stimulation studies showed that other uridine-containing nucleotide sugars and 5'-UMP were substrates of the postulated microsomal carrier system for UDPGlc, while cytosine- or guanosine-containing nucleotides and non-5'-uridine monophosphates were, at best, very poor substrates. UDPGlc translocation activities were lower in smooth microsomal fractions than in the RER-derived vesicles, indicating that contamination with Golgi membranes could not be responsible for microsomal transport of UDPGlc. Our findings suggest that rat liver endoplasmic reticulum possesses a carrier system mediating proper translocation of UDPGlc and 5'-uridine-substituted structural analogues across the membrane.