Regge Poles and Finite-Energy Sum Rules for Kaon-Nucleon Scattering

Generalized finite-energy sum rules (FESR) for kaon-nucleon scattering are evaluated to determine the t dependence and other properties of the relevant Regge-exchange amplitudes: P, P, A2, ρ, and ω. The FESR's have been evaluated (a) with the available phase-shift analyses for the low-energy KN system as input and (b) in the resonance-saturation approximation with all the appropriate resonances of which JP is known. For the K+p system, the phase-shift analysis of Lea et al. has been used; for the K¯N system, the multichannel effective-range analysis of Kim, and the resonance-plus-background analysis of Armenteros et al. Matching energies of s=2 GeV and s=2.15 GeV have been used for the cases (a) and (b), respectively. In terms of the definite helicity flip amplitudes, A (which is the full forward amplitude at t=0) and B, we find that assuming the ρ contribution to be known, the non-spin-flip contributions for the various Regge poles are similar to those deduced from high-energy fits; however, the spin-flip contributions of the high-energy fits are inconsistent with our FESR results. For example, the factorization ratio (νBA) for the A2, P, P, and ω contributions, where ν is (su)4M, is found to have the opposite sign to that used in previous high-energy fits. As far as our results go, the FESR's are consistent with the usual explanation of the crossover phenomenon in terms of a single genuine ω Regge pole, though we cannot regard this conclusion as very strong, because of the poor available input data. We find no evidence of a wrong-signature nonsense zero in αω for t0.8 (GeVc)2; we find (νBA)ω=+(13) for t0.6 (GeVc)2. There is some evidence for an exchange degeneracy between the ω and the P for this ratio, because we also find evidence for (νBA)P,P+1. There is some evidence for the no-compensation mechanism for the P, with αP=0 at t0.5 (GeVc)2, which, however, would make the ω and P trajectories quite nondegenerate. For the A2, we find νBA+10, which would be expected if the A2 were degenerate with the ρ. Our determination of the signs of the spin-flip amplitudes B allows us to predict the K±p polarizations semiquantitatively; our results agree with the available Kp polarization data, while the previous Regge models gave the wrong sign of this polarization. Our new signs for the B amplitudes also improve the agreement of the conventional Regge model with the available K+n charge-exchange cross section without invoking a ρ contribution. On the basis of getting good agreement between the FESR results and the Regge expectations, we are able to choose a particular set of low-energy input data as our favored one: We prefer Kim's coupling constants gΛ2 and gΣ2 for the Born terms, a negligible Y1*(1385) coupling (as also found by Kim), and the nonresonant-type solution IV for the K+p phase-shift analysis. We have also considered FESR's for amplitudes with the wrong crossing properties, generalizing the Schwarz superconvergence relations. A simple model to remove the infinities expected in the case of Schwarz FESR's is seen to be in good agreement with the low-energy data, at least at t=0.