Dispersion of Love waves propagating in a wedge and in a single layer with a linear gradient of shear wave velocity overlying a homogeneous semi-infinite half-space is considered. The dispersion equations have been deduced from the condition of constructive interference in both cases under consideration. The domain of existence of Love waves in a wedge-shaped layer has been discussed. For a very shallow slope the domain is essentially equivalent to that of a single layer with parallel boundaries. With increasing slope of the wedge the domain of existence becomes more complex. However, there are large deviations in the shape of dispersion curves with respect to the curves associated with the standard model even for small angles of inclination. These deviations are greatest for comparatively great wave lengths with respect to the thickness of the layer; with decreasing wave length the effects quickly decrease. In the possible range of linear gradients of shear wave velocity in the earth's crust, there are no essential deviations from the standard model. The dispersion tables for a wedge and inhomogeneous layer are given. These tables have been calculated on the basis of deduced dispersion formulae. The method of successive approximations bas been used in the former case; the dispersion formula for inhomogeneous layer is given in the closed form. The dispersion tables of Love waves for a standard mode! are also given.