Creative Memory: Five Suggestions for Categorization of Adult Learning

The first section of this article centers around problems of translating into current research terms adult learning in the affec tive domain (art, poetry). The next urges experimentation with developing in the adult learner something akin to "historical method" in regard to his own learning processes. A third section arises as a question from one researcher's comparison of his clinical methodology as psychiatrist with his more participatory procedures as adult educator. (It is here that the research process underlying the article is described: pp. 39-42.) The next section conceives of some of Jung's unfinished questions as being handed on to Freire: those which bear upon determination of procedures valid for adult development. The fifth underlines the primacy of those experiences and questions which liberate, for adults, their own resources—implying that progress by researchers must have similar roots. "Creative memory" is thus a key to the authors' different approaches to the delicacy of categorization in adult-learning re search, and is the subject on which each hopes to engage other researchers in discussion.