Looking inside the black box: assessing model-based learning and inquiry in BioLogica (TM)

The Modeling Across the Curriculum Project (MAC; IERI # 0115699, Oct 2001-2006) used real-time assessments to facilitate student learning and model-based inquiry among high school students. We developed technology, materials, and processes that enabled us to monitor and respond to students' actions. MAC learning activities engage students in a progressive model-building approach (Gobert, 2008; White and Frederiksen, 1990). Formative assessments were seamlessly embedded in scaffolding designed to guide model-based learning and inquiry. Because instruction and assessment were integrated, we were able to measure model-based inquiry skills in situ, thus circumventing the problem of assessing inquiry separate from its context (Mislevy et al., 2002). After identifying useful log file data and developing algorithms for analysing that data on a large scale, we identified productive inquiry strategies that correlated with learning gains. Our findings have immediate applicability to the design of tasks intended to elicit and support rich inquiry learning.

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