96 individuals were studied, of these 11 had right heart failure and another 24 had enlargement of the right ventricular outflow tract. X-ray examinations were found most useful in determining early heart involvement. QRS axis of the electrocardiogram was found to be below 60[degree] in 25 patients, between 66[degree]and 89[degree] in 40, between 90 and 120[degree] in 28 and above 120[degree] in 3. 26 ecgs. were considered abnormal but the classic picture of right ventricular hypertrophy appeared in only 8 instances. The tracings are classified in three groups and signs suggestive of right hypertrophy are listed as V4R, V3R, V1 having low amplitude, and an RSR[image] type of wave with S persisting in the leads far to the left.

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