Properties of Heavy Unstable Particles Produced by 1.3-BevπMesons

A propane bubble chamber has been exposed to a π beam of 1.3-Bev kinetic energy. The reactions π+pΣ+K+, π+pΛ0+θ0, π+pΣ0+θ0, can be experimentally distinguished from carbon events. Results based on the first 55 such events are presented. The center-of-mass production distribution of the Σ is peaked forward, that of the Λ0 backward. No large anisotropies in the angular correlation of production and decay were found, so that we have no evidence for spin in excess of ½ for any of the three particles: Σ, Λ0, or θ0. A study of the relative abundance of single and double V production indicates that both Λ0 and θ0 have either long-lived "states" or neutral decay modes. A statistical analysis gives α¯Λ0=0.30.12+0.15, α¯θ0=0.30.12+0.19, for the normal charged decay probabilities (Λ0π+p; θ0π++π) of the Λ0 and θ0, respectively. One event was analyzed to obtain the energy released in Σ decay. Σπ+n+Q; Q=118±2.6 Mev. The Σ lifetime on the basis of 16 decays is (1.40.5+1.6

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