Angular Distribution of Fission Fragments from 22-Mev Proton-Induced Fission ofU238,U235,U233,Th232, andTh230

Angular distributions of several fission fragments from 22-Mev proton-induced fission of U238, U235, U233, Th232, and Th230 were measured. The data are fitted to N(θ)=a+bcos2θ where b ranges from 0.08a to 0.28a. The coefficients for possible "cosθ" terms (i.e., terms asymmetric about 90 deg) are no larger than 0.01a. In every case, asymmetric fission gives more anisotropic angular distributions than symmetric fission. The anisotropy in symmetric fission is about the same for all target elements; in asymmetric fission, the thorium isotopes have larger anisotropies than the uranium isotopes. Among the latter, the anisotropies are quite similar for U238 and U235, but somewhat smaller for U233. Explanations for various aspects of the phenomena are proposed.