Simultaneous Death in Schizophrenic Twins

It has long been a matter of common belief that twins enjoy a close and mysterious bond...a bond bordering on the supernatural.—Oatman1 Introduction This paper describes the extraordinary circumstances attending the unexpected simultaneous deaths of 32-year-old schizophrenic twins. In our reference to the literature we could find no record of a similar occurrence. Psychiatric History Family History.—The patients were twin girls born in North Carolina in August, 1930. There was no positive family history of mental illness. Personal History.—Birth and Early Development: Patients were twins (probably identical) in the birth of triplets. The third triplet was a boy who died shortly after birth. Delivery was normal. Nothing grossly abnormal was noted in their early development. Education and Occupations: Both twins began school at age 6 years and completed high school at age 19 years. In formal intelligence testing they scored almost identical