Investigations in the theory of heavy traffic were initiated by Kingman ([5], [6] and [7]) in an effort to obtain approximations for stable queues. He considered the Markov chains {W n i } of a sequence {Q i } of stable GI/G/1 queues, where W n i is the waiting time of the nth customer in the ith queueing system, and by making use of Spitzer's identity obtained limit theorems as first n → ∞ and then ρ i ↑ 1 as i → ∞. Here &rH i is the traffic intensity of the ith queueing system. After Kingman the theory of heavy traffic was developed by a number of Russians mainly. Prohorov [10] considered the double sequence of waiting times {W n i } and obtained limit theorems in the three cases when n 1/2i -1) approaches (i) - ∞, (ii) -δ and (iii) 0 as n → ∞ and i → ∞ simultaneously. The case (i) includes the result of Kingman. Viskov [12] also studied the double sequence {W n i } and obtained limits in the two cases when n 1/2i − 1) approaches + δ and + ∞ as n → ∞ and i → ∞ simultaneously.

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