Cavernous hemangioma of the scrotum is a comparatively rare disease. Including Robert's case, described by Boullay, in 1851, I can find only ten cases listed in the literature. Of these, four were cited by Curling, as early as 1866, in the third edition of his monograph on diseases of the testis. Since then, as far as I am aware, no attempt has been made to consolidate the knowledge concerning this lesion. As I have recently had a patient with one of these neoplasms, it has occurred to me that a survey of the literature, with a brief history of my patient, should prove of interest, especially as modern textbooks give practically no consideration to the subject. Wyeth, in his "Text-Book of Surgery," disposed of the condition by saying that it occurs. Johnson, in his "Surgical Diagnosis," described a case, and Young, in his "Practice of Urology," said that two such