Excitation cross sections of theH2(XΣg+1bΣu+3) by the combined close-coupling—R-matrix method

We have calculated the excitation cross sections of H2 (XΣg+1bΣu+3) by combining the advantageous features of the close-coupling and R-matrix methods. In this work approximate close-coupling solutions are used as basis functions to calculate the R matrix inside a sphere of radius a. The R-matrix boundary condition then provides the starting solutions at r=a with which the coupled differential equations are integrated outward by the Numerov method into the asymptotic region with the electron-exchange terms neglected. Comparison with the standard close-coupling calculation shows an agreement typically within 5%, while the computing time is reduced by a factor of about 5. The basis set employed in constructing the R matrix consists of two or three functions per channel, which is a markedly smaller set than usually included in R-matrix calculations for similar processes.