1. The simultaneous determination of CO2 production and O2 uptake in Hadrocarabus problematicus Hrbst. is described. Both CO2 release and O2 uptake are cyclic, but there is some interburst O2 uptake. 2. The diaferometrically recorded O2 uptake is discussed, and compared with the results as obtained with the Warburg technique. 3. In diapausing pupae of the cecropia silkworm (Hyalophora cecropia) the continuous O2 uptake forms a larger percentage of the total amount of O2 consumption than in Hadrocarabus. Still there was found an initial maximum of O2 uptake of short duration at every CO2 burst. 4. Some experiments on the CO2 dissociation curve of haemolymph of pupae of Sphinx ligustri are mentioned. There is evidence that in haemolymph a CO2-binding principle is present. 5. The interaction of O2, haemolymph and CO2, resulting in a certain intertracheal pCO2 controlling spiracle movement, is discussed. Probably the pO2 is only indirectly involved in the triggering of spiracle opening.