It was concluded from genetic experiments that various acid phosphatase zymograms observed among the rice strains belonging to Oryza perennis Moench (wild) and O. sativa L. (cultivated) were controlled by alleles at three loci, Acp1, Acp2, and Acp3. At Acp1seven codominant alleles were found each producing a group of three major (A, M, and C) and three minor (a, m, and c) bands on starch gel. The alleles determined mobility of the band group. Statistical analysis of the data taken from densitometric tracings of zymograms indicated that hybrids between strains with different mobilities would produce three major and three minor hybrid bands each occurring between two corresponding parental bands. In addition, a null form lacking all these bands was found that had a recessive allele, Acp1Nu1. The Acp1locus was independent of Px1(specifying peroxidase OC, 2A, and 4A bands), but was linked withPx2(specifying peroxidase 4C band). The Acp2locus carried two codominant alleles specifying bands Fa and Sa, respectively, and a recessive silent allele, Acp2Nu1. This locus was closely linked with Acp1, yet it was distinguished from the latter as different allelic combinations were observed among parental strains. At Acp3alleles specifying bands B and b were found which were peculiar to O. perennis subsp. barthii; other perennis and sativa strains appeared to have their recessive silent alleles.