Anti-ribonuclease antibodies (Ab1) from 1 rabbit were used to prepare, in 2 other rabbits, anti-idiotypic antibodies (Ab2) against them. Anti-idiotypic antibodies (Ab3) were prepared against Ab2 of 1 rabbit in 2 other rabbits that had the same phenotype as the former 3 for the allotypic a and b systems. After a rest period of 4 mo., the latter 2 rabbits were immunized against ribonuclease. The antibodies produced (Ab1'') crossreacted with the 2 anti-idiotypic sera (Ab2) against Ab1, showing an idiotypic similarity between anti-ribonuclease Ab1'' and anti-ribonuclease Ab1. No such crossreaction was observed between the anti-idiotypic sera (Ab2) against Ab1 and any of the 12 unrelated antisera against ribonuclease that were tested. Rabbits, at least with the same allotypes, apparently possess a closely related idiotypic repertoire. The immune system is probably a network of variable (V)-domains.