DURING the past several years, 20 cases of an unusual disease syndrome, which has had some mention in the literature of the past sixty years, have been observed at a military installation. The syndrome has been described under a variety of appellations such as eruptive fever with stomatitis and ophthalmia, erythema exudativum multiforme of Hebra, erythema or herpes iris conjunctivae, ectodermosis erosiva pluriorificialis and Stevens-Johnson syndrome. Such a terrifying array of unfamiliar and difficult names suggests, perhaps, why this disease remains an unknown and undiagnosed entity to most physicians. However, after one has seen a typical case the various clinical features fall into a rather easily recognized pattern which is difficult to mistake thereafter. This condition is an acute, systemic, frequently febrile disease running a self-limited course of a few days to several weeks and involving, to varying degrees, the respiratory tract, skin and mucous membranes, chiefly those of the