Patulous Eustachian tube has been considered an extremely rare condition (Beck and Guttman,5 or a rarity, Zöllner,69 cited by Metz34) as recently as 1947. Many accepted textbooks of otolaryngology * entirely omit any discussion of the subject. However, interest in the "open" tube is apparently increasing in recent years, as indicated by the greater number of publications pertaining thereto. It also appears to be quite obvious that the condition is an accepted and proven medical reality, which is being diagnosed and treated with greater frequency than ever before. It is not felt that the condition is more common in recent years, but rather that the otolaryngologist is becoming more cognizant of the paradoxical symptoms as presented by the patient. Ordinarily, the only symptom initially presented is, "My ear is stopped up," or "I have a feeling of pressure in my ear." These symptoms, indeed, would certainly seem to