The diffusive boundary layer of sediments: Oxygen microgradients over a microbial mat

Oxygen microelectrodes were used to analyze the distribution of the diffusive boundary layer (DBL) at the sediment‐water interface in relation to surface topography and flow velocity. The sediment, collected from saline ponds, was covered by a microbial mat that had high oxygen consumption rate and well‐defined surface structure. Diffusion through the DBL constituted an important rate limitation to the oxygen uptake of the sediment. The mean effective DBL thickness decreased from 0.59 to 0.16 mm as the flow velocity of the overlying water was increased from 0.3 to 7.7 cm s−1(measured 1 cm above the mat). The oxygen uptake rate concurrently increased from 3.9 to 9.4 nmol cm−2 min−1. The effects of surface roughness and topography on the thickness and distribution of the DBL were studied by three‐dimensional mapping of the sediment‐water interface and the upper DBL boundary at 0.1‐mm spatial resolution. The DBL boundary followed mat structures that had characteristic dimensions >½ DBL thickness but the DBL had a dampened relief relative to the mat. The effective surface area of the sediment‐water interface and of the upper DBL boundary were 31 and 14% larger, respectively, than a flat plane. Surface topography thereby increased the oxygen flux across the sediment‐water interface by 49% relative to a one‐dimensional diffusion flux calculated from the vertical oxygen microgradients.