A manual-style treatment of the liverworts of that portion of New York west of 75[degree]30[image], south of 43[degree]30[image]. The work is divided into 2 sections. Part I. (Introduction, History, Taxonomic Treatment) includes a floristic-ecological treatment of 136 spp. and vars. of Hepaticae admitted as members of the flora of the area; a few others, cited in parentheses, listed by previous workers are not admitted. Among the spp. regarded as new to the region are Ptilidium ciliare, Calypogeia mulleriana, C. neesiana var. meylanii, Cephalozia pleniceps, C. macrostachya, Cephaloziella byssacea var. scabra (Howe) comb. n., C. rubella var. sullivantii, C. elachista, C. subdentata, Lophozia rutheana, L. marchica, L. aplestris, Anastrophyllum (Crossocalyx) hellerianum (Nees) comb. n., Jungermannia caes-piticia, Plectocolea crenuliformis, Chiloscyphus polyanthus var. rivularis, Scapania mucronata, S. curta, S. irrigua, S. paludicola, Radula tenax, R. obconica, Microlejeunea ulicina, Leucolejeunea clypeata. Frullania oakesiana, F. inflata, Moerkia flotowiana, M. hibernica, Metzgeria furcata, Anthoceros macounii. Taxonomic notes are given for most spp., and a reclassification of the genera related to Lophozia Dumort. is given, and the following new subgenera proposed in that complex Tritomaria, subg. EUTRITOMARIA Anastrophyllum, subg. EUANASTROPHYLLUM. Under Scapania, subg. BUCHIELLA is proposed for the reception of S. cuspiduligera. Part II Ecological and Phytogeographical Observations) deals with the ecological distr. of the Hepaticae of the area, with an orientation of the hepatic flora with that of the vascular-plant societies. This sections ends with a section on phytogeographical affinities, in which the conclusion is reached that the Hepaticae of the area show a decidely greater relationship with those of the Coniferous Panclimax and of the Subarctic Regions, than with the Hepaticae of the Austral Regions to the south. A glossary and list of references terminate the work.