The Skaergaard intrusion of Kangerdlugssuak, East Greenland (68° 10′ N., 31° 40′ W.) contains a series of gabbros and related rocks—the layered series—which has been interpreted as the result of fractional crystallization of a fairly normal gabbro magma (Wager and Deer, 1939). Analysis of these rocks and of some of the constituent minerals by Dr. W. A. Deer has shown a considerable and systematic variation in the major constituents (1939, table XXXVI and pp. 67–84) and it was considered therefore that it would be of value to determine the variation in some of the rarer elements. The work of Goldschmidt and his collaborators on the distribution of trace elements in minerals (summarized in Goldschmidt, 1937) combined with our recently acquired knowledge of many crystal structures has made clearer the factors controlling the distribution of the trace constituents in minerals.