Purification of Circular DNA Using Benzoylated Naphthoylated DEAE-Cellulose

Un-nicked circular DNA can be separated from protein, RNA, and other DNA in a simple three-step protocol consisting of exonuclease III digestion, extraction with benzoylated naphthoylated DEAE-cellulose (BND cellulose) in 1 M NaCl, and alcohol precipitation of the remaining supercoiled DNA. Exonuclease III treatment introduces single-stranded regions into contaminating linear and nicked circular DNA. This DNA, together with most RNA and protein, is adsorbed onto BND cellulose leaving form I DNA in solution. The protocol can be used to purify analytical as well as preparative amounts of supercoiled DNA. This procedure is a substitute for cesium chloride-ethidium bromide gradient ultracentrifugation and gives a comparable yield of pure form I DNA. Other classes of DNA can be isolated by changing the pretreatment step. Selective digestion of linear DNA with λ exonuclease permits the isolation of both nicked circular and supercoiled DNA while brief heat-induced or alkali-induced denaturation leads to the recovery of rapidly reannealing DNA. In large-scale purifications, the basic protocol is usually preceded by one or more BND cellulose extractions in 1 M NaCl to remove contaminants absorbing UV or inhibiting exonuclease III.