Radiative Decay of the NeutralKMeson:K0→γ+γ

The consequences of the particle mixture theory of the neutral K meson are investigated for the rare radiative decay mode: K0γ+γ. The two photon decay rates of the K10, K20 mesons are estimated as ≈1.3×105 sec1 (Cabibbo and Ferrari) and {1.6×105(gΣnK24π)} sec1105 sec1. It is shown that a time-dependent net circular polarization of each of the two photons results from the interference between the K10 and K20 channels feeding the 2γ state. The correlated linear polarizations of the two photons also exhibit a similar time-dependent behavior. The possibility of experimental detection of the effects discussed, from which the sign as well as the magnitude of the K10, K20 mass difference can be determined, is very briefly explored.