Thrombosis: the relationship of hemostatic mechanisms to drug therapy

The mechanism of action and present clinical role of drugs affecting hemostasis in the therapy of spontaneous, postoperative, and posttraumatic arterial thrombosis, arterial embolism, venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, and intracranial aneurysm have been reviewed. Both the management of neurosurgical problems and the development of antithrombotic regimens are improving. In regard to the use of drug therapy, discussed herein, each surgeon will reach his own decision based on his findings in the individual patient, and may wisely elect in specific situations not to employ drug therapy. The comments offered in ths analysis are to be construed as suggestions not mandates, as they will undoubtedly undergo modification with time. In closing, it is appropriate to recall a famous Chinese curse: "May you live," it reads, "in a time of transition."