Single and double electronic transitions in molecular oxygen

The emission bands at 6 340 Å and 7 030 Å in the spectrum of excited molecular oxygen, believed to be due to the "dimol" O4*(1Δg, 1Δg), have been investigated with respect to the dependence of their intensities on the excited oxygen concentration. The intensities of these bands have been shown, by a comparison with the intensity of the (0,0) band of the (1Δg3Σg) system at 12 700 Å, to depend on the square of the O2(1Δg) concentration. The ratio of the intensities of the two visible bands at 6 340 Å and 7 030 Å was found to be 1.05 ± 0.1.An attempt was made to resolve the 6 340 Å and 12 700 Å bands into their rotational fine structure. The results show that, whereas the 12 700 Å band could be at least partially resolved, the 6 340 Å band appeared to be diffuse with a band half-width of 150 Å.Evidence is presented of vibrational excitation in the 1Σg+ state of molecular oxygen in the discharged products.