The Ultraviolet Emission Spectrum of the Solar Chromosphere and Corona

A stabilized Skylark rocket flown on 1965 April 9 provided observations of the emission spectrum of the solar chromosphere and corona. Servo-controlled alignment systems stabilized an image of the Sun with an accuracy of a few seconds of arc relative to the spectrograph slit which was set at about 10 arcsec outside the solar limb. The ultraviolet spectrum between 950 Å and 2950 Å was recorded on photographic film at altitudes from 100 km to 160 km. About 300 emission lines were observed and a list of wavelengths with estimated intensities is given, together with identifications for about three-quarters of the observed lines. New identifications include intersystem transitions in CIII, NIV, OV and new forbidden transitions in FeXI and FeXII. The intensities of the chromospheric emission lines are compared with previous measurements obtained by direct observation of the solar disk.