Osteomyelitis in children: detection by magnetic resonance. Work in progress.

Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging was performed in 5 children, ages 9-12, with acute, subacute, chronic and recurrent osteomyelitis. Saturation recovery (SR), T2-weighted spin echo and inversion recovery (IR) pulse sequences were employed. A reduction in the normally bright image of bone marrow corresponded with abnormalities seen on radiographs, CT [computed tomography] scans and radionuclide scans. SR images produced the best signal-to-noise ratios. Contrast between normal and abnormal marrow was most pronounced on IR sequences, which suggested an increase in water content of inflamed marrow. Abnormalities were sometimes seen on MR images before they could be detected on radiographs. Some MR abnormalities were present when CT and radionuclide studies were normal or equivocal.