For electrons, phonons, etc., and regardless of symmetry, the Green's function in any mixed Wannier-Bloch representation is G0+(zz, k¯nω)=iaΣjeikj(zz)v(kjk¯n) sgn (zz)+GBC, where k¯=(kx,ky), n is the branch index, and the values of z correspond to lattice points. The kj are those values of kz for which the eigenvalue ε(kzk¯n) is equal to the parameter ω, and for which v(kjk¯n)sgn(zz)>0, if kj is real, or Imkjsgn(zz)>0, if kj is complex. GBC represents integrals around branch cuts, a is the height of a unit cell, and v(kzk¯n)ε(kzk¯n)kz. The above expression can be regarded as a generalization of the usual one-dimensional Green's function of quantum mechanics. G0+(ω) diverges whenever ω is such that some v(kjk¯n) goes to zero, and as a result the generalized phase shift η(ωk¯) has discontinuities of π2 at these values of ω. These discontinuities are present regardless of the strength of V, the perturbation associated with creating a pair of surfaces or interfaces. There is an exception: If det M=0, where M is a matrix defined in terms of the matrix elements of V, then the discontinuity is eliminated. This condition is analogous to that for a "zero-energy resonance" in s-wave potential scattering, and it will ordinarily occur only at particular transitional strengths of V. The condition is always satisfied for acoustic phonons at ω=k¯=0, however, because of a restriction on the force constants. The significance of η(ωk¯) is that the surface or interface density of states Δρ(ωk¯) is given by π1η(ωk¯)ω. Each discontinuity of π2 in η(ωk¯) at an extremum ω0 thus produces a contribution δ(ωω0)2 in Δρ(ωk¯).