Measurements of Nothofagus solandri shoot and radial growth from mature trees growing at subalpine forest and timberline margin sites in the Craigieburn Range, New Zealand, are described. Measurements were made at approximately twoweekly to monthly intervals for a two year period. These results and those for a third, lower altitude, site (Norton 1982) are discussed. At each site, shoot growth was completed before radial growth and the commencement of growth appeared to be both temperature and day-length dependent. Both shoot and radial growth occurred later and for a shorter time period at the two higher altitude sites than at the lower site. At the two highest altitude sites the course of both shoot and radial growth closely followed variations in temperature with depressions in growth rates occurring at times of lower temperatures. No shoot or radial growth was observed to occur during the winter months confirming the annual nature of growth ring production in mature N. solandri trees.