Dynamics of antibody‐ and lectin‐mediated endocytosis of hapten‐containing liposomes by murine macrophages

The uptake by murine macrophages of liposomes, exhibiting one of a variety of haptenic groups on their surfaces, was greatly enhanced by the addition of an intact antibody or a lectin specific for the incorporated hapten. The uptake of untreated liposomes was slow and linear over long periods, whereas upon addition of the antibody or lectin, over 30‐fold increase in the maximal rate of uptake was observed. The process reached a plateau after 90–120 min. The interaction of the antibody‐ or lectintreated liposome with the macrophages apparently resulted in an active endocytosis of the vesicles. As observed by fluorescence microscopy, the distribution of a water‐soluble fluorescent, intraliposomal marker had a granular intracellular pattern in treated cells. The uptake was sensitive to azide and the liposome constituents could not be detected at the cell surface. The size of the liposomes as well as the state of stimulation of the macrophages (thioglycollate stimulated vs. normal) did not seem to have a major effect on the phagocytic process. The time required to reach the plateau in uptake was independent of liposome composition or antibody concentration and is, apparently, an intrinsic property of the cells. The implication of this phenomenon on the dynamics of the relevant macrophage receptors is discussed.

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