Liquid helium and the properties of a Bose–Einstein gas. I. A numerical study of hard-core models

The properties of a hard-sphere, Bose–Einstein gas are investigated numerically in the t-matrix, ladder approximation, using both the coordinate-space treatment of Brueckner and Sawada, as modified by Parry and ter Haar, and the pseudopotential method of Liu and Wong. For each treatment, the form of the excitation spectrum and the thermodynamic properties of the gas at low temperatures are compared with the corresponding properties of liquid helium. The pseudopotential method gives better agreement for a reasonable choice of the radius of the "hard-core" interaction. This result is not surprising since the actual potential corresponding to the pseudopotential of Liu and Wong is intermediate between the "soft-core" potential of Brueckner and Sawada and a true "hard-core" potential.