A Modified Dominici Technic for Autoradiography: Acidified Eosin-Orange and Alcoholic Toluidine Blue

Mouse lymph nodes were fixed in Bouin-Hollande solution, processed through paraffin embedding, sectioned and coated with Kodak NTB3 liquid emulsion. After development, the autoradiographs were stained 10 min in a 0.5% eosin Y-orange G mixture acidified to pH 4.4, differentiated in 0.5% acid alcohol and counterstained 10 sec with 0.25% toluidine blue O in 50% ethanol. The technic yielded distinct differentiation of neutrophils, eosinophils, blast cells, plasmacytes, mast cells, macrophages, reticular cells, histiocytes, lymphocytes and other lymphoid cells. The method also provided sensitive definition of the cytoplasmic and nuclear characteristics of all cell types.