Nodulation responses and certain other characteristics of a mutant soybean line highly recalcitrant to nodulation were compared with those of a nodulating sister line. Roots of the two lines were found to harbor equal numbers of rhizobia. Stem graftings to provide top growths of one line on roots of the other failed to alter the distinctive nodulation responses of rootstocks. Ascorbic acid contents in the two lines were identical, both in the tops and in the roots, although contents in tops greatly exceeded those found in roots. Chromatographic studies on the amino acids in seed hydrolyzates and in alcoholic extracts of seedlings showed no differences between the two lines either in kind or quantities of amino acids. In a survey of stock rhizobia for cultures effective on the nonnodulating line, bacteria were discovered which formed nodules on such soybeans growing in sand and nutrient solution. Isolates from these nodules again yielded effective nodulation on plants in sand culture, but gave no nodulation whatsoever on plants growing in soil. This negative response was confirmed in three different soils. Admixtures of soil and of miscellaneous materials with sand were employed to alter nodulation responses from those shown in sand cultures.