The effect of diet calcium on fluoride toxicity in growing rats

The effect of dietary Ca in response to fluoride (F) treatment was investigated in rats. Rats were maintained on either adequate (0.5%) or high (2.0%) dietary Ca and given for 5 weeks, NaF in drinking water. The minimum NaF levels that inhibited body growth and reduced survival were 300 mg/L with 0.5% diet Ca and 550 mg/L with 2.0% diet Ca. With these toxic F doses, bone histology showed increased formation surfaces and thickened osteoid seams (osteoid index 6–7%). Fluoride doses 30% below toxic levels (200 and 350 mg/L for 0.5 and 2.0% diet Ca, respectively) had no demonstrable effect on bone. Additional diet Ca reduced F absorption from 76 ± 3 to 47 ± 3% for 0.5 and 2.0% diet Ca, respectively. Comparable absorbed doses of F produced comparable effects on bone and body growth but, with additional dietary Ca, these effects were observed with 50% lower serum and bone F levels. Variable response to NaF therapy can be produced in rats by alterations in dietary Ca alone. Results indicate that for clinical treatment the NaF dose needs to be adjusted on an individual basis but neither serum nor bone F levels can be used reliably to establish optimal doses.