Female. Length 1.5 mm., thorax and abdomen dark brownish black, the latter without lighter bands. Legs fuscous brown, all tibiae with broad pale bands.Antenna. front and palpi dull blackish brown. Scutellum dull black, remainder of dorsum and metanotum dark brownish black, shining; pleura dark brownish. Coxae, femora, bases and apices of tibiae dark brown, each tibia with a broad fairly well defined dirty white band beginning at basal one fourth and extending to apical one third of tibia. A11 legs with subappressed fuscous hairs in length about equal to the diameter of the joint which bears them; leg hairs pale yellowish in region of the pale tibial bands. Anterior wing veins brownish; entire membrane infuscated. Halteres with base of stalk brownish, apex and knob pale lemon yellow.