Development and Population Study of an Eight-Locus Short Tandem Repeat (STR) Multiplex System

Amplification of short tandem repeat (STR) loci has become a useful tool for human identification applications. To improve throughput and efficiency for such uses, the polymorphic STR loci CSF1PO, TPOX, TH01, vWA, D16S539, D7S820, D13S317, D5S818, F13A01, FESFPS, F13B, and LPL have been evaluated, developed, and configured into fluorescently labeled multiplex systems. Eight of these STR loci were combined to generate the PowerPlex™ System, a two-color multiplex system that supports rapid, accurate, reliable analysis and designation of alleles. The remaining four loci comprise the FFFL System, a one-color multiplex system. The PowerPlex™ System may be evaluated alternatively as two one-color, four-locus multiplex systems. CTTv Multiplex and GammaSTR™ Multiplex. The products of multiplex amplification may be analyzed with a variety of fluorescence detection instruments. Determination of genotypes of over 200 individuals from each of three different population/ethnic groups revealed independence of inheritance of the loci and allowed calculation of matching probability, typical paternity index, and power of exclusion for each multiplex.