Transport planning and Metroplan: progress or a missed opportunity?

Metroplan, a land-use/transport, environmental and institutional planning framework for the metropolitan area of Hong Kong, was released at the end of 1990. Critical to understanding Metroplan is the fact that its recommendations were to a large extent dove-tailed with those of Port and Airport Development Strategy (PADS) as these studies were contemporaneous. Metroplan was formulated as a city wide context for decision-making at the district level. The plan generation process of Metroplan used a series of iterations for determining and quantifying land-use distributions, within a scenario-building framework. In terms of Metroplan implementation, the programme of core projects for PADS virtually directs the sequence of proposed works. A public consultation exercise was embarked upon in early 1990 to seek responses on the preliminary proposals of Metroplan. Metroplan concluded that 4.2 million should become the upper limit for the population of the metropolitan area.