Inelastic Scattering of Electrons fromHe4

The inelastic scattering of electrons from He4 which corresponds to a disintegration of the nucleus has been studied for incident electron energies of 400 and 500 Mev at laboratory angles from 45° to 135°. The energy spectra of the scattered electrons were measured, and absolute cross sections were found by comparison with elastic scattering from hydrogen. The curves were corrected for electron radiation. Within the validity of adapting to He4 one of the results of the Goldberg theory of deuteron electrodisintegration, the cross sections at the maxima of the curves give a value of M1pα of (7.5±1.5), where M is a nucleon mass and 1pα is the expectation value of the reciprocal of the momentum of a nucleon bound in He4. With a single exception, the energy-integrated cross sections dσαdΩ agree within experimental error with dσαdΩ=2(dσpdΩ+dσndΩ), where dσpdΩ is the free-proton cross section and dσndΩ is the neutron cross section found from inelastic scattering from deuterium.