Follow-up of a Representative Sample of Heroin Addicts

Summary The 3.5 year follow-up status of a representative sample of addicts prescribed heroin at London Treatment Centres was ascertained using Home Office records. Fifty-six percent were still receiving opiates from Clinics with 39% still receiving heroin. Six percent were dead, 2% were in prison, while 34% were not known to be using drugs or to be institutionalized. Outcome was significantly related to age with the older sample members being more likely to be prescribed opiates and less likely to be classified as “Off” drugs. This result is in contrast to American reports and is possibly indicative of a perpetuation of dependency encouraged by current treatment methods. Outcome was further partially related to a typology of life styles formulated from data from the original sample with those who were the most Stable in 1969 being more likely to received heroin on prescription in 1973, and those classed as Loners and Two-Worlders in the original survery being the most likely to be classed as “Off” drugs by the Home Office.