Limnological Studies of Heming Lake, Manitoba, and Two Adjacent Lakes

Heming, Home and Wapun Lakes are small, eutrophic lakes on the Precambrian Shield. They are at the headwaters of the Nelson River in northern Manitoba at approximately 55°N. longitude, 101°W. latitude. The lakes are each about one square mile in area and are all under 30 feet in depth. For four years physical and chemical studies have been conducted as part of the Triaenophorus investigation. During six months of the year the lake is ice-covered. No summer thermal or oxygen stratification is evident. Oxygen concentrations remain at a high level throughout the year. Summer water temperatures follow very closely changes in air temperature. The pH remains close to neutrality and the dissolved mineral content is about 60 p.p.m. The mineral content of these three soft water lakes is similar. Flora and fauna identified from Heming Lake include 41 genera of phytoplankton, 35 species of zooplankton, 17 genera of bottom organisms, 13 species of fish and 9 species of fish parasites.

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