1. The intrinsic paralysis that occurs in leprosy has been treated by the sublimis transfer of Stiles and Bunnell for the past nine years. Since 1951 300 hands have been operated upon, and 150 patients selected geographically have been followed up in this study. 2. The patients have been assessed by a standard method involving: 1) Measurement of range of movement of the interphalangeal joint (unassisted movement, assisted active movement and passive movement); 2) grasp index; and 3) photographs of each hand in six standard positions. 3. Assessment of the open hand—The Stiles-Bunnell procedure is effective in achieving a fully open hand: 73 per cent of the fingers scored good or excellent results. A defect in the operation is that it sometimes hyperextends the interphalangeal joint, producing an "intrinsic plus" hand. 4. Assessment of sequence of joint flexion—The Stiles-Bunnell operation restores satisfactory mechanism of closure of the hand in 93 per cent of cases—that is, the metacarpo-phalangeal joints flex before the interphalangeal joints. 5. The closedfist assessment—About 30 per cent of patients had some defect in the complete closure of the fist after operation. In 5 per cent of cases the fingers did not reach the palm after operation. 6. Complications—The "intrinsic plus" defect is commonest in the best and most mobile hands. This is a late complication which gets worse in succeeding years. It can be corrected by Littler's operation together with a profundus tenodesis in the middle segment of the finger. Lateral deviation of fingers due to radial-side attachment of the transferred tendon can be avoided by ulnar-side attachment of the tendon used for the index finger. Bowstringing of the sublimis stump in the flexor sheath may be avoided by division of the sublimis at it insertion. Weakness of grasp and pinch from loss of sublimis may be avoided by using only one or two sublimis tendons split into several strands. The index finger sublimis should be left in position. 7. It is concluded that the sublimis transfer of Stiles and Bunnell is a very powerful corrective of intrinsic paralysis of the fingers. Its chief defect is that it is too powerful and produces the opposite deformity. For this reason the use of this operation should be restricted to fingers in which there is some limitation of passive extension. For fully mobile fingers an operation should be selected which does not remove the sublimis from its normal position.