He3Film Flow: Two-Dimensional Superfluidity

He3 film flow has been observed. The maximum flow rate, at 0.7 mK, over a rim 0.9 mm above the He3 level, was 1.2 mm3/h corresponding to an approximate flow velocity of 0.2 mm/sec. A flow rate of 0.2 mm3/h (∼0.1 mm/sec) was measured with the rim 14 mm above the level. The transition to superflow occurred at 3.5 ± 0.5 mK for the 0.9-mm film and 2.0 ± 0.5 mK for the 14-mm film. This flow is in a regime where the film thickness is less than or comparable to the bulk superfluid He3 coherence length (∼ 1000 Å at 0.8 mK) and the temperature is higher than the bulk He3 superfluid transition temperature (1.08 mK) and corresponds, we believe, to a two-dimensional superfluid phase of He3.

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