Instrument Characterization for the Detection of Long-term Changes in Stratospheric Ozone: An Analysis of the SBUY/2 Radiometer

The scientific objective of unambiguously detecting subtle global trends in upper stratospheric ozone requires that one maintain a thorough understanding of the satellite-based remote sensors intended for this task. The instrument now in use for long term ozone monitoring is the SBUV/2 being flown on NOAA operational satellite. A critical activity in the data interpretation involves separating small changes in measurement sensitivity from true atmospheric variability. This is the goal of the instrument characterization task, and of necessity it involves examining numerous details of SBUV/2 hardware operation. By defining the specific issues that must be addressed and presenting results derived early in the mission of the first SBUV/2 flight model, this work serves as a guide to the instrument investigations that an essential in the attempt to detect long-tem changes in the ozone layer.