Single Crystal X-Ray Structure Analysis of Bi2(Sr, Ca)2CuOx and Bi2(Sr, Ca)3Cu2Ox Superconductors

Average crystal structures of Bi2(Sr, Ca)2CuO x and Bi2(Sr, Ca)3Cu2O x were analyzed using single crystal X-ray intensity data applying anisotropic temperature factors. Crystal data: Bi2Sr1.60Ca0.40CuO6, Bbmb, a=5.3826(8) Å, b=5.3761(11), c=24.384(7), R w=0.108 for 282 reflections; Bi2.06Sr1.70Ca1.24Cu2O8, Bbmb, a=5.3946(8), b=5.3895(13), c=30.649(12), R w=0.064 for 354 reflections. Precession photographs show that Bi2Sr1.60Ca0.40CuO6 has a monoclinic modulated structure and Bi2.06Sr1.70Ca1.24Cu2O8 has an orthorombic one. The incommensurate modulated structures were qualitatively illustrated by using a modulation wave model.