Retinal Toxicity of Commercial Intravitreal Tissue Plasminogen Activator Solution in Cat Eyes

TISSUE PLASMINOGEN activator (tPA) is a clot-specific thrombolytic enzyme available for clinical use through recombinant DNA technology. Tissue plasminogen activator is used in vitreoretinal surgery to hasten the resolution of postvitrectomy fibrin1,2 and to facilitate thrombolysis during surgical aspiration of submacular hemorrhage.3-5 Intravitreal tPA injection has been shown to facilitate subsequent surgical evacuation of subretinal hemorrhage.6 Recently, Heriot7 and Hassan et al8 reported the use of intravitreal tPA and gas to lyse and pneumatically displace submacular hemorrhage. Also, intravitreal tPA is currently under investigation as a possible treatment for acute retinal venous occlusive disease.9