Simultaneous High-Energy Irradiation and Chemotherapy

THE TREATMENT of localized far-advanced primary or recurrent malignant cancers presents many problems. Recurrent cancers have been previously treated with surgical excision, irradiation, or both. Recurrences may be surgically nonresectable by virtue of their size, close proximity to vital structures, or bony invasion. Nonresectable primary tumors are so designated because of large size, local involvement of several anatomical regions or organ systems, and present low-control yield. Many of the far-advanced primary lesions in the head and neck region may respond initially to irradiation, but recurrence is not infrequent. Soft tissue sarcomas are relatively radio-resistant and may be located in such a position that primary surgical excision is not feasible or is refused. When excisional surgery cannot be accomplished, and the results of irradiation are unpredictable, we may consider the use of combined therapies. For this study, the combined therapy used was simultaneous irradiation and continuous intraarterial infusion.1 This investigation