Coincidence Experiments inNi65,Ni57,Ag110andIn114

Absorption in aluminum of the beta-radiation from Ni57 gave a maximum beta-energy of 1.97 Mev. Beta-gamma-coincidence absorption indicated another beta-ray group at 0.46 Mev. Gamma-gamma-coincidences were obtained, and coincidence absorption of the Compton-recoil electrons gave gamma-rays of 1.64 and 0.3 Mev. The maximum energy of the positrons from Ni57 was found to be 0.72 Mev by absorption in aluminum. Beta-gamma-coincidences indicated the presence of only a single beta-ray group. Gamma-gamma-coincidences were obtained, and the energy of the most energetic gamma-ray was found to be 1.97 Mev. The beta-spectrum of Ag110 was shown to consist of beta-ray groups of 0.09, 0.55 Mev and a very high-energy component of low intensity. Beta-gamma-coincidences showed that the most energetic group leads to the ground state. A large gamma-gamma-coincidence rate was obtained, and the most energetic gamma-ray was found to have an energy of 1.48±0.1 Mev. In114 was found to emit a 0.196 Mev gamma-ray and a 2.05 Mev beta-ray as has been shown previously. In addition, gamma-rays of about 0.5, 0.7, and 1.3 Mev were found. Gamma-gamma-coincidences showed that two of these are in cascade and beta-gamma-coincidence absorption showed that they are not in coincidence with the 2.05 Mev beta-ray.