Since I presented to the Royal Society in 1847 the description which I have given of the structure of the liver, I have become acquainted with the researches of Professor Retzius, and of Dr. Leidy, and have been favoured by M. Natalis Guillot with a view of the preparations on which he grounds the opinions I noticed on that occasion. Professor Retzius describes the hepatic ducts as forming close networks in the sheaths of Glisson’s capsule, perilobular or alveolar networks; from which are given off minute lobular networks interwoven with the portal-hepatic plexuses, and con­stituting with them the substance of the lobules. These plexuses are described as consisting of anastomosing tubes which are formed of a basement or limitary mem­brane, like those of other glands, and in these tubes I presume Professor Retzius considers the hepatic cells to be lodged.